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Top 10 Extincted animals

Hello Readers! Glad to see you back here, May be the max. of animals and their breeds on planet are known to us. But do you know we've lost many animals because of their extinction due to climatic disorder, Hunting, Urbanization etc; This was totally our fault that we were can't save them from disappearing. So we're getting to know you about 10 Animals that extincted recently or over the years. If you like the post don't forget it to share let us reach this information to max of people's. Don't forget to subscribe us so that you never miss even a single post.

                            Top 10 Extincted Animals

10. West African Black Rhinoceros:

Common Name               -  Black Rhinoceros

Scientific Name              -  Diceros bicornis longipes

Diet                                 -  Herbivore

Body                               -  10 to 12.3 ft long, 4.6 to 5.9 ft height, It had 2 horns - 1st measuring 1.6 to 4.6 ft and 2nd measuring 0.79 to 21.65 inches, weighed 800 - 1400 kg.

Extinction due to            -  Hunting! Because of its horn's demand ! Approx. 1 kg horn can cost 100000 $ or more.

Other facts                      -  The western black rhinoceros was believed to have been genetically different from other rhino subspecies.  They are believed to have been nearsighted and would often rely on local birds. Maximum speed 55 km/hr. 

Origin                             -  Southeast, Western, Southern part of Africa & Northern, Northwest,North east part of South African region.  Last seen in Cameroon.

Life span                        -  35-50 years.

Declared Extinct            -  In 2011 by IUCN.

9. Baiji White Dolphin :

Common Name             -  Chinese white dolphin (or) Fresh water dolphin (or) White dolphin

Scientific Name             -  Lipotes Vexillifer 

Diet                                -  Fishes.

Body                              -  Males were about 2.3 metres (7 ft 7 in) long, Females 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in). Weighed 135–230 kilograms,  It has a long and slightly-upturned beak with 31–36 conical teeth on either jaw. Its dorsal fin is low and triangular in shape.

Extinction reason          -  Generally these dolphins lived in fresh water. Due to pollution of industrial and residential wastage they began disappearing.

Other facts                    -  Baiji can attain 60 km/hr speed. It had poor vision, so they rely on sonar navigation.  Peak frequencies of echolocation clicks are between 70 kHz and 100 kHz. 25 Million years old species.

Origin                           -  Yangtze River, China.

Life span                   -  Around 40 years.

Declared Extinct          -  December 13,2006. However, many rumors arise of sighting a baiji dolphin though no official media confirmed it true. 

8. Pyrenean  Ibex :

Common Name           -  Bucardo (Spanish)

Scientific Name           -  Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica 

Diet                              -  Herbivore

Body                            -  25 - 30 inches to shoulder, weighed 25 to 81 kg.

Extinction reason        -  Rivalry with domestic animals played a part in their extinction. They used to share a lot of their range with sheep, horses and domestic goats, mainly during summer days. It led to overgrazing and inter-specific competition. 

Other facts                  -  Scientists cloned a Pyrenean Ibex, making it the first species to become no longer extinct, but the baby died shortly after birth due to a lung problem.

Origin                          -  Ibex are wild goats that live in the mountainous regions of Europe, north central Asia and northern Africa.

Life span                     -  12 - 17 years.

Declared Extinct         -  In 2000 by IUCN.

7. Passenger Pigeon :

Common Name            -  Passenger pigeon or wild pigeon.

Scientific Name            -  Ectopistes migratorius.

Diet                               -  Fruits & worms.

Body                             -  Male - 38 to 41 cms in length and female - 38 to 40 cms, Tail length 18 to 20 cms. Weighed 260 to 340 grams. 

Extinction reason         -  deforestation and hunting on a massive scale (primarily because of its meat). Rapid decline between 1870 to 1890.

Other facts                   -  A skilled flyer that has an average speed of 100 km/hr. 
- Origin                           -  North America.

Life span                      -  15 to 17 years.

Declared Extinct          -  1st September 1914. 

6. Tasmanian Tiger :

Common Name              -  Tasmanian tiger, Tasmanian wolf, Thylacine tiger.

Scientific Name              -  Thylacinus cynocephalus.

Diet                                 -  Carnivore (expected to hunt the animals of their size).

Body                               -  Length about 100 to 165 cm. Shoulder height up to 60 cms, Tail size 50 - 60 cms. Color - Yellowish brown with stripes on back, rump and base of tail along with cream colored belly. Weighed 18 to 32 kg. 

Extinction reason
           -  Hunting and direct collision with predators like hunting dogs

Other facts                      -  As a predator it is believed they would haven eaten anything including kangaroos, birds, sheeps, possums etc; they had a lack of speed. Their skull samples were as similar to that of wild dogs of Australia.

Origin                             -  Australia mainland, Tasmania and New Guinea.

Life span                        -  9 years.

Declared Extinct             -  1982 by IUCN while Tasmanian government on 1986.

5. Stellar Sea Cow :

Common Name           -  Stellar's sea cow

Scientific Name           -  Hydrodamalis gigas

Diet                              -  Herbivore

Body                            -  Length 26 to 30 ft, weighed around 8000 to 10000 kg

Extinction reason        -  Due to their huge size their meat was plentiful and considered to be tastier, they were hunted because of their thick skin which were used to make shoes and belts.

Other facts                  -  3 to 4 inches thick skin (Blubber), it prevented them from sharp rocks and ice, they are considered to be mute rather making only heavy breathing sounds

Origin                          -  Bering sea between Alaska and Russia

Life span                     -  50 - 80 years

Declared Extinct         -  In 1768 by IUCN

4. Great Auk :

Common Name          -  Great Auk

Scientific Name          -  Pinguinus impennis

Diet                            -
 Shorthorn sculpins, lumpsuckers, cod, sand lance, crustaceans, Atlantic menhaden and capelin.

Body                          -  Length 75 to 90 cm, wingspan 15 cm, black colored heavy and hooked beak. Weighed up to 5 kg.

Extinction reason      -  They were killed in large numbers because of the high demand of their down (used to make pillows) in the European markets. It was a convenient food source for European explorers to the New World.

Other facts                -  The Great Auk was a member of the alcid family which consists of web-footed birds with short wings and legs. Other members of this family include murres, and puffins. Sometimes they are called Garefowl. 

Origin                        -  North Atlantic 

Life span                   -  20 to 25 years

Declared Extinct       -  1852 by IUCN

3. DODO :

Common Name            -  Dodo bird

Scientific Name            -  Raphus cucullatus

Diet                              -  Fallen fruits, nuts, bulbs, roots, seeds, crabs, shellfish.

Body                            -  3 '3 ft tall, Beak - 23 cm with hooked point. Weighed 10 to 21 Kg.

Extinction reason        -  Hunting for meat.

Other facts                  -  Dodo can run fast, these creatures never tried to fly because they lived in area with plenty of food. Dodo is on Emblem of Mauritius.

Origin                          -  Island of Mauritius. 

Life span                     -  17 to 21 years.

Declared Extinct         -  1662 by IUCN.


The below two species are too old that will take you back to B.C and who can forget the famous animated characters from Ice Age movie series ( Elephant and the Tiger). They rextinct but still their fossils and tusks are being searched at their origins. Hope you guys will enjoy reading the below content.


2. Woolly Mammoth :

Common Name          -  Woolly mammoth

Scientific Name         -  Mammuthus Primigenius

Diet                           -  Herbivore

Body                         -  Height 6 ft to 13 ft, weighed around 8800 kg, their tusks were 8 to 9 ft in length which were curvy and weighed around 45 kg

Extinction reason     -  Hunting and Pleistocene extinction

Other facts               -  Tusks of these elephants costs 400$ - 500$ per pound, this is why the hunt is on, so if diggers can find a piece which could make them surely a billionaire. 

Origin                       -  Africa, Europe, Asia and North America

Life span                  -  60 - 80 years

Declared Extinct       -  1700 BC 

1. Sabre-toothed Cat :

Common Name            -  Sabre tooth cat or Sabre tooth tiger or Smilodon

Scientific Name            -  Smilodon populator

Diet                              -  Larger animals such as Elephants (woolly mammoth), rhinos but their favorite food considered to be deers.

Body                            -  Length 80 to 100 inches, weighed around 300 kg, Canines about 7 inches in length

Extinction reason        -  Ice age extinction or pleistocene extinction.

Other facts                  -  Most predominant predator in its time so they got no predator for themselves rather humans. Many scientific resources say that they might have low bite force compared to lion of modern age so they used to attack the neck muscles.

Origin                          -  North and South America.

Life span                     -  20 - 40 years

Declared Extinct         -  10000 BC

We lost these amazing animals over the years but did you notice what was the common thing involved in their extinction? Yes you are right it's we the Humans. Stone-age era to modern era humans changed their way of life but the way they used to annihilate the animals is still going on. Anyway's hope you guys liked the post so please do keep sharing and don't forget to subscribe us. Thanks a lot for your support and love.

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